Do not allow yourself to become too concerned about having sleep apnea. It might seem very scary once you find out you have sleep apnea, but there is a lot you can do to treat it. Learn what you can about sleep apnea and what works for you. That is what this article is all about. Try these tips out and consult with your doctor.
Drop some vices to combat sleep apnea. Few things are worse for sleep apnea than drinking and smoking. Drinking depresses the respiratory system and can cause severe breathing issues. Smoking, of course, causes both long and short term damage to your lungs and airways, as well as putting you at risk for cancer. Your sleep apnea symptoms will improve if you give up both of these unhealthy habits completely.
Look into corrective mouth pieces to help with your sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be magnified in effects by small jaws and recessed chins, as well as breathing passageways that are naturally narrow. Specialty devices can rectify the minor deviations during sleep so that your jaw aligns and your breathing passage remains unobstructed, giving you a better night of uninterrupted rest.
Try sleeping in a different position (such as on the side) rather than on your back. Sleep apnea sufferers tend to sleep on their back. When you sleep on your back it can cause your throat and mouth tissues to impede your airways. You will breathe easier if you sleep on your side. Prop pillows on one side to prevent you from rolling on your back while sleeping.
Avoid drinking alcohol to excess. Alcohol will relax all of your muscles. People who are addicted to alcohol may learn that this is the cause of their apnea, and others who drink sporadically should know it affects them, too. Your throat muscles relax too much from alcohol, which means trouble of your body to manage breathing. If you feel you must drink, try not to do it as often or before you go to sleep.
As previously stated, sleep apnea can be risky to your health if it’s not treated properly. Sleep apnea is a big deal when it’s left untreated, and you need to be aware of what all of your options are for treating it. Review the tips presented here and apply them to your daily life to experience a lessening of your sleep apnea symptoms.