Sound Advice For The Sleep Apnea Patient

You have to sleep, so you must do everything in your power to manage your sleep apnea. This article will provide you with sleep apnea advice to help you get a better night’s sleep.

To help deal with sleep apnea effectively, you should speak with your doctor to help him show you what CPAP machine works best. You need to be aware of the machine’s size, as well as how loud it is. A machine to get you through the night is better than feeling fatigued every day. Your doctor can help you pick a manufacturer for a good quality machine.

Sleep on your side if you want to avoid sleep apnea. Sleeping on the back can cause air passages to constrict. Try to fall asleep on your side instead and use a pillow if needed. It may relieve some symptoms.

If you can, sleep on one of your sides. Sleeping on your back is attributed to a lot of people who suffer with sleep apnea. If you sleep on your back, you are more likely to have your mouth open and block your airways. Sleeping sideways facilitates breathing. To prevent rolling over onto your back while you sleep, build a wall of pillows behind yourself.

Quitting smoking and drinking can relieve sleep apnea symptoms. Both smoking and drinking promote relaxation of the airways causing sleep apnea and excessive snoring. Getting rid of these habits can save you money as well.

To help you figure out if you suffer from sleep apnea, you may be asked by your doctor to keep a log of your sleeping. You will write down how many hours you sleep throughout the night, and any other symptoms you experience. Ask your partner to keep track of your snoring, movements, and whether you stop breathing at night. This will greatly help your doctor in diagnosing your condition.

If you have learned something new about sleep apnea by reading this article, you will have a better idea about what symptoms to look for down the road. Don’t let anyone tell you that being consistently tired is normal or that you are wrong for talking to your doctor about what you have learned here.

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